5 Ways to Make Money with your MultiPress ERP/MIS setup

19 Apr 2023

In today's print business world, print production companies of all sizes need all the help they can get to stay ahead of the game. One such way is by using your MultiPress to gain insights into your business, which can help you make better decisions and ultimately, make more money! In this blog post, we will discuss five ways you should use your ERP/MIS system to do just that.

1. Automate and Simplify Workflow

Your ERP/MIS system will help you automate tasks that are repetitive and time-consuming. By reducing the time and effort required for these tasks, you can focus on more important things that can help your business grow. This will save you money in the long run and ultimately lead to higher profits.

By automating and streamlining basic administrative tasks like order and quote tracking, customer contacts, and estimations, your business can save more than 20-25% on administrative costs. Automating these tasks using MultiPress ERP/MIS can reduce errors, save time, and increase efficiency. This frees up employees to focus on important tasks like building customer relationships and improving products and services. 

2. Spot Trends and Patterns

MultiPress will help you see patterns and trends in your sales data. This information can help you make informed decisions on things like pricing, promotions, and inventory management. If you notice that a particular product is popular during certain times of the year, you can ramp up production and marketing efforts during those periods.

Having the right business information available to every department in the company, via any device and to the right person is possible thanks to the MultiPress dashboard. Not only does the dashboard help you keep an eye on business processes, you also receive alerts when things go differently than expected. 

3. Learn About Customer Behavior

MultiPress helps you understand your customers' needs and preferences. By doing so, you can tailor your products and services to their specific needs, which can lead to increased sales and customer loyalty. This information can also help you create targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with your target audience.

Relationship management in MultiPress is more than a list of clients, suppliers, contacts and prospects. This module enables you to manage all relevant information about your clients, prospects and suppliers in a centralised and structured manner.

4. Improve Supply Chain Management

MIS systems can give you real-time visibility into your inventory levels, production schedules, and delivery times. This visibility can help you optimize your supply chain, reduce inventory costs, and improve customer satisfaction by ensuring timely deliveries.

MultiPress ERP/MIS helps your print business to effectively manage its paper inventory. You can accurately track your inventory in real-time and gain insights into your supply chain management. The system's connections with paper catalogs also allow you to purchase paper at dynamic pricing, ensuring that you always get the best deals. By leveraging this technology, you reduce your idle capital and streamline your operations, ultimately driving increased profitability and business growth.

Smart automation in your print media company's order management can save you a lot of time and money. From the moment a request or quotation actually becomes an order, it is a necessity to produce and deliver the job as efficiently as possible, all according to the customer's wishes.

5. Manage your Finances more efficiently

MultiPress helps you keep an eye on your financial data. By having this information readily available, you identify areas where you can reduce costs and increase profitability. This helps you catch potential cash flow issues early and take corrective action before they become a problem.

  • MultiPress makes it possible to fully automate the monitoring of your customers' creditworthiness, thanks to the Creditsafe integration. This gives you financial security and allows you to work with customers and prospects in complete safety.
  • Creating invoices is lightning fast with MultiPress. All necessary data is collected and made visible immediately. Send your invoice directly as a PDF via e-mail or invoice electronically. In this case, you deliver the information of your invoice to your customer according to an agreed standard format - for example XML or UBL - so that the data can be processed easily, quickly and error-free in their system.
  • All quotations are given a follow-up status so that the client automatically receives a reminder e-mail about his requested quotation. A response is guaranteed, because your message is not only personal but also professional.

Now it's up to you!

In conclusion, your MultiPress ERP/MIS system is an essential tool if you want to improve your operations, increase sales, and reduce costs.

At Dataline, we believe in delivering measurable results for our clients. Our approach is based on conducting thorough audits and demonstrations to clearly illustrate the improvements that can be achieved through the implementation of our system. We guarantee that our solutions will bring at least a 15% improvement in current costs and we provide this in writing at the start of each project.

To achieve these results, we utilize our proprietary MAS Audit tool, which has been specifically designed to analyze all processes and generate data-driven insights. By leveraging this tool and our expertise, we can help businesses to achieve significant cost savings and streamline their operations.

By using your MultiPress system to automate tasks, spot trends and patterns, learn about your customers, improve your supply chain management, and keep a close eye on your financials, you can make informed decisions that will help you make more money!