Packaging de L'Océan Indien
How to get competitive advantage out of integrated MIS/ERP
A golden rule is that software should be used for what it was intended. Unfortunately, a rule all too often broken. Time- and stock registration in Excel, for example. Or passing through a printing job via Adobe Illustrator. This was the rule of the land with Pack OI (Packaging De l’Océan Indien), based in Saint-Pierre. Add to that some good old pen & paper work and prices/costs that are only truly known to the CEO and the result is an unnecessary administrative hassle. The digital printer is specialized in printing of packaging, POS material, paper bags and expressed the ambition to expand the next couple of years. With a couple of substantial investments/takeovers in the pipeline.
So, the company is a little pressed for time to obtain more overview. A fully integrated system where all the paper work is generated by a simple press of the button means more efficiency. In short, a considerable saving of time and money. So, it is time for MultiPress …
Incorrect use of software
The realization of correct offers is an essential business skill and one of the key moments of a sale. When the turnover from offers to purchase orders is 100% successful, the offers may be too low. When only 20% is met, the offers may be too high. Are the prices for material fully up to date? Are all costs, hidden or not, included? Are all employees making the same offers, with the same data? It may seem easy, but in the field often it is not. And most of the time the incorrect use of software is at the core of things.
Easy administration
MultiPress is modular, fully integrated business software that makes administration easy. And not seemingly so. Every piece of the administrative workflow is only a few clicks away. Offer, purchase order, work sheet, invoice, you name it. At Pack OI the difference will be substantial when it comes to offers. As of now there will be no hours spent anymore on realizing them. That specific time will be better spent on customers. With the smart calculation of MultiPress detailed and appealing offers are drawn up and sent out in no time. Added bonus is the fact that during the realization of said offers it’s possible to view the estimated selling price and expected margin. In real-time!
By using integrated software the overview is total and transparent. Every piece of reporting is retrieved in a couple of seconds and is completely tailored to the user. Pack OI can focus carefree on the upcoming investments. MultiPress grows effortlessly alongside with them.