Technology partner
Calculate your carbon footprint with MultiPress and Dienstencentrum
To be competitive as a company, you have to be strategic as well as flexible and progressive. This is a message that Dienstencentrum conveys to the graphic media. Dienstencentrum is a high-performance knowledge centre whose main goal is to provide entrepreneurs and companies in the communication sector with advice and support. In this way, they succeed in increasing the return on investment for graphic media companies.
Additionally, Dienstencentrum is an expert in the field of CO2 calculations in Europe. The employees of Dienstencentrum are able to provide specific advice to the graphic media sector on a variety of environmental measures and issues. With Dienstencentrum and Dataline as Industry Partners, MultiPress succeeds - thanks to the supplied intelligence and know-how - in calculating the CO2 impact of a print product extremely accurately.

About Dienstencentrum
Dienstencentrum, a Dutch company with 14 employees, aims to advise and support professionals and companies in the graphic media sector.