Good agreements make good friends
Clear price agreements with customers and suppliers are indispensable for any print media company. The MultiPress price agreements module allows you to manage price agreements with customers or customer groups in a simple and efficient manner. By managing these agreements centrally, you also reduce the risk of human error.
To maintain an overview, avoid unnecessary administration and reduce errors, use the price fixing module in MultiPress. You can now effortlessly calculate the correct sales price while all the data from the original cost calculation remains available.
- Price agreements remain customer-related, but you can just as easily link them. You can easily import data from one price agreement to adapt for another customer.
- To save a lot of time, it is also possible to enter or change a price agreement for several relations at the same time.
Price agreements can be made according to the number of copies (pieces), square metres, running metres and kilos. For each order, the calculation module calculates the integral cost price, regardless of the price agreement. The cost price and product data are then available for the reservation of materials and planning. In addition, the agreed sales price for a quotation or order can be found in the same overview. With the calculation system, you can enter price scales and combine several agreements in a quotation.
- Simple and efficient: all current price agreements are clearly brought together and new agreements are effortlessly added to the system
- Reduce errors: using existing price agreements via links or importing data saves time and prevents human error
- Speed and control: managing the price agreements of multiple customers and suppliers at the same time is a serious time-saver and offers you the necessary control
- Clear cost price and sales price: the calculation of the actual cost price and relevant production data are immediately available in addition to the agreed sales price