The support you need for ecological certification
Paper deliveries can end up being stored in a place where they should not be. This is a situation that happens in every printing company from time to time, but any misplacement can endanger ecological certification. With the automated administration in MultiPress, this is a thing of the past.
To retrieve an accurate stock list required for your certification at any time, the system registers the relevant quality marks for all materials and automates the administration of the mandatory division of certified and non-certified papers. With MultiPress, FSC and PEFC certified printing companies are able to meet their ecological obligations.
The international organisation for responsible forest management (FSC) awards the Chain of Custody to companies that can prove that the FSC products they sell originate from FSC forests. All printing companies must use identification within the company (stickers, barcodes) so that they can always recognise FSC papers. This ensures that FSC and non-FSC papers circulate separately during storage and production.
MultiPress assigns each pallet its own place marked with a barcode. Each rack in the warehouse is visualised in 3D, so that your employees can immediately see where the certified and non-certified materials are located and which reservations have already been made. In short: never search again and never miss anything.
In a rapidly evolving paper industry, simplification, ecology and consolidation are the big challenges. MultiPress is a pioneer in automation, especially in the field of personalised paper files.
This information from the paper suppliers is automatically processed in MultiPress and is always up to date. From your calculation or order you consult the paper types directly and, depending on the quantity required, you add the correct price in MultiPress. Discover our MultiPress Certified Catalogue Partners here.
- Efficient and clear: with MultiPress, stocks of certified and non-certified paper remain perfectly separate
- Controlled stock management: the stock list required for certification is available at any time
- Save time and costs: employees quickly find the right stock in the warehouse every time